Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category



The bestest boyfriend ever x x x

Batman – The Dark Knight

As part of Levi’s “Go Forth” campaign, they have buried $100,00.00 somewhere in the United States. The game is part real world, part online and has component of a scavenger hunt to it. I need to get myself a ticket to the US quick time!!!

The banner for the Daisy Sliver is finally live. This is the one they picked… Slide 1, Slide 2, Check out my vision here.

Imagine you were given 3600 cups of black coffee and 560 pints of milk.  What would you do with??

I Like!


Oh, oh-oh-oh Oh, oh-oh-oh When I P-p-p-poker face P-p-poke her face…

A guerrilla-style soap opera shot inside an IKEA store in the states. Apparently staff didn’t even realize they were there!? Watched a few episodes and I have to say… I think I’m hooked!

Many brands engage in ethnic marketing and for good reason – it can be an effective marketing strategy. But has Mc D’s gone too far? This is their new micro-site targeting African Americans. I think this is a ridiculous idea!

Augmented ID is a TAT concept that sees the digital identities of people you meet in real life. Users can control their own augmented appearance, by selecting the content and social network links they want show to others.